
From:Wendy Prime <W.Prime@liverpool.ac.uk>

Dear All

To add to the debate on the value of the labels we attached to people.  I 
sat uneasily with the label technician and I am of an age that when in this 
country that we changed our title to MLSO  there was an outcry from some 
parts of the medical profession that we should become scientific officers. 
The rose I say smells as sweet what ever you call it!  It has come to 
bother me not one jot as on looking at the dictionary at the definition of 
technician I find the phrase of "expert in practical and/or mechanical arts 
or applied sciences."

So now I just mentally cross out the word technician and substitute the 
word EXPERT.

Mrs.Wendy Prime
Experimental Officer
University of Liverpool
0151 706 4503

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