Histotech or Cellular Biology Student needed for Internet Project

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From:NANCY WILSON <NWILSON@gw.ingham.k12.mi.us>
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Our school is involved in a project called ThinkQuest, which  is an international internet competion where students in teams of three build a web site based on a portion of their curriculum.  We are doing a web site on Cellular Biology and microsocopy and have two team members.  One student is from our Graphics/Visual Arts program and will be working on the actual construction of the web site.

Another student is from New York is from our Lab Science program at our Career/Technical and is very interested and has knowledge of the topic.

We need a third student, hopefully from  classes like Lab Science or Histology or a related program who would be interested in working very hard for about 12 weeks to help with the content portion of constructing a site.  

The competition has 16 semifinalists in five categories, one of which is science.  All of the semifinalists win scholarships ranging from $5,000 to $15,000.  The Grand Prize winners each get a $25,000 scholarship.  All of the semifinalists and their coaches get an expense-paid trip to Cairo, Egypt, which is where the contest is help this year.

As we are enrolled in the high school portion of ThinkQuest, we are looking for 14 to 19 year old high school students.

Do you know anyone out there?  We need to finish forming our team and submit our application next week, as they are due on March 31 but I am leaving the week prior to that.

For more information, go to the ThinkQuest web site www.thinkquest.org 
Look for contenst winners from previous years.  There is a great one on web cytology.

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