Re: Tzanck Smears


Samurai you always make me laugh.
Patsy Ruegg wrote:

> Toy Bridgman asked about Tzanck preparations.
> It's neither a stain nor a preparation, it's an obscure ritual that's in
> internists' handy-dandy little books (the ones with the spiral bindings that
> fit into the sagging pocket of a long white coat, back of the stethoscope of
> the year) about how to harass the laboratory.
> This is a cytologic procedure, and should be done in a cytopathology lab.
> Smears should be fixed in alcohol for Pap staining, or air dried for
> polychrome (Diff-Quik). The detailed procedures on how to collect the
> specimen are worth everyone's filing away for future reference.
> Bob Richmond
> Samurai Pathologist
> Knoxville TN

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