frozen sections

From:"Ms. Evelyn Kaplan"

I wonder if anyone can help me on this particular subject. I have a PhD student from the College of Agriculture and Marine Sciences who is looking at the proportion of lipid in gonads during the breeding season. The problem is that he fixed his samples in NBF and has now decided he wants to do frozen sections for fat stains. Ordinarily I would have said no problem, as I have carried many a frozen section on tissues previously fixed in NBF(after suitable washing in water). In this case however, at cryotomy the tissue just crumbles. Has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone make any sugestions? I have thought of gelatine embedding but as he has 110 gonads (no jokes please) to sample, I am looking for an easier alternative to suggest to him.
Evelyn Kaplan
Dept of Pathology,
Sultan Qaboos University,

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