dilute Ab storage

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From:"John C. Dennis" <dennijc@vetmed.auburn.edu>
To:HistoNet Server <HistoNet@Pathology.swmed.edu>
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Dear Friends:

I made a 1:400 dilution of a rabbit antiserum (diluent was: 10% NGS, 5%
BSA in PBS).  I used some immediately and stored the left over at 4
deg. C.  Next day, I ran a second assay using the left over diluted
antiserum and got absolutely nothing.  The sections were clean as new
fallen snow (somewhere out in the countryside).

Bar some unwitting error in procedure, what could have gone on in the
diluted antiserum over two nights (one night stored as left over; the
second night sitting on the tissue sections).

Anyone have experience(s) like this?

Yours in a quandary

John Carroll Dennis
Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology
109 Greene Hall
Auburn University, AL  36849

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