Re: [Histonet] Re: Illegal spam

In response to Jackie O's concern and to respond to some of the comments 
already raised on this issue (if I am repeating what someone else has now 
already stated I appologize, I only scanned the first half-dozen or so).

Histonet is NOT responible for giving out anyone's e-mail address. They have a 
fine reputation, and I seriously doubt anyone would mess with it.

Any web site on this wide open world of the internet is accessible to most 
anyone. Even secure websites can be hacked. The persons behind most of the spam 
we receive use robots (computer program) to search the internet for anyone that 
has posted their email address in a visible manner (such as the archived 
material on contains email addresses in posts and responses). 
These robots then report on the list of E-Mail addresses its harvested. Those e-
mail addresses are added to a cataloge that is made available to anyone willing 
to spend a few dollars for it.

Spammers take these lists and use them for spamming, and some for more 
profitable ventures.

So to be on the safe side... never openly post your email address on a website. 
or if you do, do so in a manner that does not automatically respond as an e-
mail address (yourname (space) @ (space) or by simply waiting 
to e-mail your address to someone in a more private medium (messenger, chat, 

I hope that is of some help. And hopefully it will save someone the headache of 
massive spam in the future (when I ran my own gaming website, I would receive 
on average of 500-1000 spam e-mails a day as all website E-Mails were directed 
to myself [editor, owner, webmaster, etc]).

Thanks All and Have a great day
Joe Kapler

Quoting Jackie M O'Connor :

> I received an email from some moron calling himself "Bob Lama" about a 
> free atm card - clearly an illegal scam asking me to send $600 for my 
> $10milllion ATM card.  I'm curious if this came from a histonet source, or 
> should I look elsewhere for where this scam picked up my email address?
> Jackie O'
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