[Histonet] Friday Hour of Fuming

From:"Breeden, Sara"

I suggest we have a Friday Hour of Fuming in order to allow us to rid
ourselves of the mental flotsam and jetsam that have accumulated during
the week. For example.... I'd like to Fume against "lip drip".  It would
seem to me that after years and years of R&D, someone could perfect a
liter/gallon container that didn't piddle all over everything when
pouring.  The beaker people fixed that YEARS ago. A small adjustment in
the shape of the lip would solve that annoyance!

I feel SO much better! Next?

Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)
New Mexico Department of Agriculture
Veterinary Diagnostic Services
POBox 4700
Albuquerque, NM  87196
(505)841-2518 FAX

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