QIHC exam


I have been asked by many people how to get information on taking the
ASCP QIHC exam.  I have put together a presentation on this and JOHN
posted it on the NSH IHCRG web site for members of our group.  If you
are a member of the group and need the user name and password to access
this presentation let me know and I will give it to you.  This
information is provided as a privilage of NSH and IHCRG membership.  To
join the group go to www.ihcrg.org and fill out a membership form and
send it back to me online.  If you are not a member of NSH I will
provide you with a membership form so you can join NSH as an email.
Patsy Ruegg, Chair NSH IHCRG
fax 303-644-3377
email:  rueggp@earthlink.net

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