From:Ayesha Joshi

Hi! There...
I am working with rat testis. I need to perform TUNEL assay on testis
sections. The kit for TUNEL recomends fixation with 10% formalin. I have
tried this fixative atleast 2-3 times (18-20 hrs at 4 degrees) with
standard subsequent procedures
but the sections I get are not good at all. The tissue is shrunk and is
fragmented. Is there a specific requirement for processing testis? I use
alcohol grades for a period of 1hr in each grade, followed by iso-propanol 
and then xylene as the clearing agent before paraffin embedding. 
Could people who routinely work with testis sections help me out? 

I am in dire need of help as my work is really stuck because of this!!!

Thankyou in advance..

  AYESHA JOSHI                               
  Graduate Student                              
  Indian Institute of Science

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