RE: [Histonet] PI Reports/Productivity


Hello everyone,

Allison Scott wrote:

I am interested in what PI reports are being done in
>histology besides frozen section TAT and specimen discrepancy.  Does
>anyone measure productivity.  Our director mentioned it in a supervisors
>meeting.  How is it done.
>Any help would be appreciated

We measure TAT for Stat Biopsies (out by 6:30) and routine TAT (out by 8:00 
and out by 10:00).
We have an application through our hospital software that allows me to do 
this daily. Our process is such that we validate each case in the computer 
as it is turned out to the Pathologist. At the end of the month I submit a 
report that shows how many blocks were embedded and stained H&E and what 
percentage met the turnaround times. I also measure number of special stains 
and  turnaround times but I do this manually. Our hospital uses Cerner 
Millennium software. Hope this gives you some idea and if you need further 
info, I would be happy to discuss it with you. Thanks,

Christie Gowan
Histology Supervisor
UAB Medical Center Hospital
Birmingham, AL

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