Fwd: RE: Staff titles

From:"Dr. Ian Montgomery"

        I do both and I'm referred to as "that crabbit auld bugger."

From: "Swain, Frances L" <SwainFrancesL@uams.edu>
To: "'Dr. Ian Montgomery'" <ian.montgomery@bio.gla.ac.uk>
Subject: RE: Staff titles
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 07:11:07 -0600
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)

How about Technical Supervisor and Administrative Manager?  We use Special
Procedures Technical Manager and/or Assistant here

-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Ian Montgomery [mailto:ian.montgomery@bio.gla.ac.uk]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 5:58 AM
To: histonet@pathology.swmed.edu
Subject: Fwd: Staff titles

Technical Manager.
Laboratory Manager.

>Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 15:18:27 -0800
>From: "Wrona, Erin" <WronaE@pamf.org>
>Subject: Staff titles
>To: "'histonet@pathology.swmed.edu'" <histonet@pathology.swmed.edu>
>Hi Everyone!
>My supervisor asked me to post a question to you all.  We are a small lab,
>with 2 HT's and 4 lab assistants (2 part time, 2 full).  At the moment both
>HT's have the same title, but my supervisor would like to have at least one
>with another sort of title.  Both HT's do bench work.  The difference is
>that one supervises the lab assistants, and the other handles the lab
>budget, supplies, and QA records.  Does anyone out there have a title at
>their institution for an HT who supervises lab assistants, but not the
>HT, or for an HT who handles budgeting and records, but not supervises?  I
>know that it may sound trite, but my supervisor would like to develop at
>least one new title so that if we expand and hire another HT (we're
>to find one, I know) to do only benchwork, the current tech would be
>them.  Any ideas?
>Thanks in advance!
>Erin Wrona, BS, HT(ASCP)

Dr. Ian Montgomery,
Microscopy Service Unit,
Graham Kerr Building,
Institute of Biological & Life Sciences,
University of Glasgow,
G12 8QQ.
Tel: 0141 332 8855 Extn.6644.
e-mail: ian.montgomery@bio.gla.ac.uk

Dr. Ian Montgomery,
Microscopy Service Unit,
Graham Kerr Building,
Institute of Biomedical & Life Sciences,
University of Glasgow,
G12 8QQ.
Tel: 0141 332 8855 Extn.6644.
e-mail: ian.montgomery@bio.gla.ac.uk

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