Re: Paraffin bath

From:Cathy Gorrie <> (by way of Histonet)


You'll probably have to go older yet. Maybe try the old wax
Dispensers, made by Gallenkamp or Electrothermal if they still exist
anywhere. I'm not sure exactly what you are after but we are still
using vacuum wax baths made by Labmaster. Ancient by now, but they
still work a treat. Sorry I have no details about current vendors.

>I have been trying to find a paraffin bath with a lid that has an
>attachment for a vacuum hose.  I have an old Tissue Tek bath, but can not
>find one in any of the vendor catalogues.  Can any of you direct me to a
>vendor for such an item?

Cathy Gorrie
Scientific Officer
Neural Injury Reseach Unit,
School of Anatomy,
University of New South Wales
Sydney, N.S.W. 2052

Phone: 61 2 9385 2462
Fax  : 61 2 9313 6252

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