RE: disciplinary process

From:"George, Cheryl" <>


In my opinion, it really depends on the individual involved.  Does this
person make continual mistakes or was this a one time deal?  Occasionally
you may have a person that makes these kinds of mistakes and they can be
traced back to lack of focus.  If this is the case, then that's what you
want to approach that person with.  Whenever I give either a verbal or a
written warning, I try to format it the same way; 1) Observed behavior (the
error);  2) Expected behavior; 3) Root cause (let your employee explain the
situation); 4) Management support (what can I do to help the employee not
fall into this situation again; ie, put together a check off sheet, etc..);
5) Future action (clearly explain the next step in the disciplinary process
should the person continue with the behavior).

I have found that if you treat disciplinary actions as more of a learning
tool (both for yourself and for your staff) and less as a 'scolding', the
people will respond very well.

Good luck!

Cheryl George, BS, HT (ASCP)
Anatomic Pathology Supervisor
Elliot Hospital Lab
Manchester, NH

> ----------
> From: 	Vinnie Della Speranza[]
> Sent: 	Friday, December 15, 2000 8:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: 	re: disciplinary process
> While each facility or organization may have it's own policies governing
> disciplinary action, it is customary to issue a verbal counseling first,
> followed by written reprimand for repeat infractions. Check your
> organization for it's progressive disciplinary process.
> Vinnie
> Jill becker wrote:
> I was wondering what people do in their labs when there is a error with
> the 
> wrong solution being placed on the tissue processors?  Do they get written
> up or just talked to about the error.
> Thanks
> Jill
> Kaiser, CO

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