From:"Hagerty, Marjorie A." <>

Hi Shawn,

When you are uncertain about how to interpret a CAP question, I have found
that calling the CAP is the surest way to get a correct answer. They have
experts that are more than willing to help. Another excellent source for
finding out the intent of a question on the checklist can be found on the
CAP Website ( When you download the checklist, there is a short
narrative on some of the questions. 

The narrative on this question reads:
Reagents: Reagent performance and adequacy must be verified before placing
the material in service. Various methods, such as direct analysis, use of
reference material, or parallel testing of old versus new reagents are
acceptable. The results of verification checks must be recorded.

If you are not familiar with any of these terms, you can usually find
references in QC/QA books used in a clinical lab. 

Best of luck.

Below is what we do, but it does not have to be done this way. 

ANTIBODY AND REAGENT TESTING: The specificity of any new antibody, antibody
lot or detection kit is confirmed prior to patient testing. New antibody
lots are tested with a previously established positive control and detection
kit in order to confirm expected patterns of reactivity. New detection kit
lots are tested with a previously established positive control and antibody
for the same purpose.  A new antibody being introduced is tested against
tissues expected to give positive and negative reactions with both normal
and abnormal tissue. Ideally, three positive and three negative tissues, of
both normal and abnormal tissue are used (ie, a total of 12 tissues).   The
"ANTIBODY PARALLEL CHECK" form is used to document the following

			Lot# tested
			Date received
			Expiration date
			Name of antibody or kit
			Date of parallel check
			Name of manufacturer
			Initials of the tech performing the parallel check 

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