Re: special stain systems

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Hey all
We use the Ventana NexEs, have for about one year...We used the ES.  Both are 
good instruments...quality is good...but like anything all the protocals must 
be worked up...I think the system works better with their (Ventana's 
antibodies). Its optimized for them...when using other antibodies you have to 
titrate farther (at least that is my experience) seems that something is 
in the ventana kit that doesn't react as well as with their antibodies...
I don't know the cytologics...I have heard good things about them...but 
haven't had the chance to have it in house...I might take a look at it.  I 
get calls from the rep all the time...the only problem that I see with it is 
that it runs 48 slides at one time.... The Ventana is a modular 
can run 20, and then put 20 more on...that works for us in our lab...we 
usually run the routine immuno's, then run retrievals after is just 
easier for us at this point...but I wouldn't rule out the cytologices...
Well good luck...

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