RE: [Histonet] WBC counts

From:"Ford Royer"


It sounds like your advisor wants a "differential" WBC if you are attempting
to do it on a stained peripheral blood smear.  To do this you would need
some type of multi-key manual differential counter (example:

To do this you assign a key on the counter to a specific white cell (i.e.
nuetrophils) and do the same for the rest of the keys with the different
types of white cells.  You then scan the slide and count the different white
cells (punching the proper key for each) until you reach a total count of
100 cells (pay no attention to the red cells).  Your differential would then
be the number of specific cells counted express as a percentage.  Example,
you counted 62 nuetrophils and 38 lymphocytes = 62% neturo & 38% Lymphs

To do a total WBC, you would have to have a hemocytometer (what Tim was
talking about), calibrated hemo pipettes, a lysing reagent, normal saline
diluent, and WHOLE blood.  You would dilute the whole blood to the proper
dilution with normal saline, add the lysing reagent to destroy the red
cells, load the hemocytometer, and count all the white cells you see.

Or, as Tom suggested... give the assignment to the Hematology Department.

Ford M. Royer, MT(ASCP)
Histology Product Manager
Minnesota Medical, Inc.
7177 Madison Ave. W.
Golden Valley, MN 55427-3601
CELL:  612-839-1046
Phone:  763-542-8725
Fax:  763-546-4830

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Morken, Tim
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:21 AM
To: Missy;
Subject: RE: [Histonet] WBC counts

Is this some kind of project for a class? If not, hand it over to
hematology. If so, get a medical technology text book and look up blood
cell counting. To do it right requires special counting slides that are
etched with grids. 

Tim Morken

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Missy
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 7:25 AM
Subject: [Histonet] WBC counts

Hi all...
We have never done a manual WBC count before and my advisor has asked me
to get a count of WBCs (primarily nuetrophils and lymphocytes) in
wright's stained peripheral blood smears.  What is the general protocol
for a manual count? Do you count WBC's inb relation to RBCs or just
WBCs, the whole slide, or just representative sections?


P.S - this is for rat sample, not human
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