[Histonet] B5 Immuno

From:"Molinari, Betsy"

Happy Friday,

An investigator asked me about this and having very little experience
with immunos I come to you.

She found an article where myocardial sections were fixed in B5 without
formalin (is there a B5 without formalin?) and then stained with several
polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. She wanted to know why B5?
Wouldn't  10% NBF be just as effective? I did some archiving and read
that some have had success with zinc formalin and B Plus. Also I do know
of the hazards of B5 so we will not be using it in my lab, but just




Betsy Molinari HT (ASCP)

Texas Heart Institute

Cardiovascular Pathology

6770 Bertner Ave.

Houston,TX 77030


832-355-6812 (fax)


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