Re: [Histonet] Cerebral bleeds in mice - please hurry!

From:Gayle Callis

Buy a brain matrix so you can do precise slides of the whole brain.  These 
are available at  Very tidy - we use high profile 
microtome blades - the ones we do not like! or a teflon coated razor blade 
from Ted Pella gives smooth, clean slicing.

These devices allow you to bisect either direction and at different 

You may be able to do the slices (since the brain is held in place) while 
the brain is fresh as long as you Slice and do not PUSH down on top of brain.

Good luck

At 12:39 PM 9/2/2004, you wrote:
>I've been asked to section mice brains to look for possible cerebral
>bleeds  -
>They're harvesting the brains intact - can anyone suggest the best way to
>bisect or trisect them after fixation to look for small hemorrhages?
>I usually trisect transversely through the cerebellum, cerebral
>hemisphere, and olfactory bulb for routine looks at the brain, but is
>there a better method for looking for bleeds?  They should see evidence at
>necropsy, I hope - but if not, it's all me me me.
>Suggestions PLEASE.
>Jackie O'
>P.S.  Good wishes to all you Floridians who may be impacted by Frances in
>the next 48 hours.  I hope your're not at work anymore.
>Histonet mailing list

Gayle Callis
Research Histopathology Supervisor
Veterinary Molecular Biology
Montana State University - Bozeman
PO Box 173610
Bozeman MT 59717-3610
406 994-6367 (lab with voice mail)
406 994-4303 (FAX)

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