[Histonet] Ventana and Benchmark Maintance

From:"Janci Wellborn"


1st - I want to thank everyone who has responded to my previous
posting.  I have been in a process of discovery about my training on the
Ventana and Benchmark.  This instutution is the 1st one that I have
worked at that had this intrumentation.  As we all know at times -
people can be completely misled.  No - our procedures do not completely
outline all of the steps of the required maitance - it just provideds a
list of the tasks without explaining how to do it. If someone could
please send me a copy of yours I would truely appreciate it.  I just
want to be able to do my job correctly and to be able to trust my

Thank-you in advance!

Janci Wellborn, HTL (ASCP), BS, BSeD

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