Re: SolvCycle

I use a small unit to recycle my Alc and xylene by CBG and the container holds one gallon and sits up on my countertop.
No odor, no boiling chips , very easy to use. I have had the unit now for 1 yr and I really like it. The unit didn't cost a lot and, I get a great return on my recycled Alc and almost 100% on the xylene I recycle. I have had great service by the company.
If you need or want there number let me know and I'll email it to you I am at home at this time. I work in a research lab and we don't go thur a lot of chemicals either but this unit has been a blessing. At my lab only ALC < 25% can go down the drain and I would have to do some much more paper work to turn the ALC in. Plus this really saves on the drain fields and our planet.
Good luck
SAndi Miller HT

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