RE: GMS stain on an H&E

It doesn't sound as if you have a chance on this particular case.
Silver "stains" are so subject to particulate precipitation, lifting and variability in density that with a tiny fragment, seeing will be difficult enough, without the problem (not yours I know,) of interpretation.
If I could give your pathologist a hint, fungi are bigger than bacteria:-)
(BTW anthrax bacillus, making a comeback, is HUGE).

You may wish to be prepared for the next time however. I suggest some deliciously mouldy rice, which seems to attract moulds of all sorts and colours.

Terry L Marshall B.A.(Law), M.B.Ch.B., F.R.C.Path
Consultant Histopathologist
Rotherham General Hospital, Yorkshire

-----Original Message-----
From: p=NHS NATIONAL INT;a=NHS;c=GB;dda:RFC-822=tmhpath(a); 
Sent: 10 October 2001 17:43
Subject: GMS stain on an H&E

Hello fellow histonetters. Hope everyone is having a good morning. Quick
question for you, my pathologist has requested me to do a GMS stain from one
of my H&E sections this is a first for me and I don't know how to go about
this. The sample they collected for us was so small to begin with that even
when I did a GMS off the block it's not demonstrating what the doc is
looking for. He says he can see some areas on the H&E that he can't
distinguish between fungus and some other bacteria. HELP I have never tried
this before and would like your input. Thank you in advance for you time and
help. I'm glad to have a place that I can go for help like this since I'm in
such a rural area. Have a wonderful day.

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