[Histonet] Using antibodies beyond their expiration dates.

From:Rene J Buesa

Cesar, Susan et alli:
Digging amongst my papers I found the 2 referneces I wrote Cesar this morning:
1- Is a paper by Balaton et alli, published in Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular
Morphology 7(3):221-225, 1999. Using standard protocols they tested 65 antibodies (Ab)
that had expired 6 to 134 months previously (average of 33). Concluded that all Ab
performed satisfactorily beyond the recommended expiration dates.
2- (And this is more important because it was published as part of a CAP Laboratory
Improvement Program) by Tubbs et alli in Arch Pathol Lab Med, Vol 122: 1051-1052, 1998
tested a limited number of Abs, but in the test intervened221 different laboratories with
the following conclusions:"The data suggest review of the Health Care Financing 
Administration's ruling on extending the useful reagent shelf life beyond manufacturers recommendations".
Both are good news for those who want (or need) for economical reasons to extend the
time frame of your Abs beyond the manufacturers' date.
At least no CAP inspector I think will go against their own conclusions.
So now you know!
Rene J.

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