Cancer advice

From:Jeff Silverman

The treatment and outcome depends on the histologic type-  Germinomas are
pretty radiosensitive, a rare benign teratoma could be resected by
microsurgery, pineoblastomas have also been reported to respond to
stereotactic radiation therapy, astrocytomas- outcome depends on grade, if
its glioblastoma then it probably is hopeless. Shunting may be necessary due
to hydrocephalus but it can be done, often by radiation alone.  Staten
Island University Hospital in NY  has a long experience with stereotactic
radiosurgery and I'm sure MD Anderson, Memorial, Roswell Park and many
others have excellent programs and are up to a challenge for the teaching
aspects. What is the histologic diagnosis? There are new minimally invasive
endoscopic microsurgical techniues also. Do a Medline search for pineal
neoplasm and see which centers are publishing successes with therapy and
contact them. My friend's wife suffered dreadful groin pain due to an
obscure condition-  meralgia paresthetica. A quick Medline search and I gave
her some addresses and she's cured by the experts after five years of
misery. I think the people publishing in the field are the way to go. Hope
this helps.
Jeff Silverman
Southside Hospital
Bay Shore, NY

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