

Dear Jeanine
I work with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue from autopsis.I`ve
used Dako polyclonal Fibrinogen A080 for some years with good result. This
is how I work. Dilutions -kidney 1:70 000, skin 1:50 000, lung 1:25 000.
Preteat with proteinas K Dako 3020 15 min, AB over night +4C, Dako LSAB
K5001( link and label) each  25 min, chromogen I use DAB 10 min.
Good luck

Liv Gröntoft
Dep of forensic med
Linköping, Sweden 
Liv Gröntoft
Rättsmedicinska Avdelningen
581 85 Linköping
Phone +46 13 36 42 58
Fax   +46 13 36 42 70

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