GFP labeling

From:Lynn Gardner <>

Dear Histonetters,

Have a couple of questions for those of you doing GFP labeling of cells. We
have tissue which has normal and tumor cells (which have been labele with
GFP) and we are trying to get sections, however, when we tried paraffin
sections the GFP was quenched. Has anyone gotten this to work in paraffin
sections? If so could you either fax or email me your protocol as soon as

We also tried frozen sections however the tissue was not frozen properly
and I think we are seeing some ice artifact, therefore we will get new
tissue and re-try this. We are going to try vibratome sections however we
are afraid that the resolution of the pictures will be effected by the
thickness of the tissue sections so this may not be optimal.

Could someone who has this working consistently let me know how you handle
this type of tissue to get the best morphology but not to loose the GFP signal.

Thanks in advance!!
Lynn Gardner, HT(ASCP)
Senior Histologic Technician
University of Iowa Health Care
Anatomy and Cell Biology 
51 Newton Road
1-100 BSB
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-353-5490 (I share and office so there are two names on the message)
Lab Phone: 319-335-7560
Fax: 319-335-7770

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