RE: [Histonet] histotech pay/respect

From:"Marshall Terry Dr, Consultant Histopathologist"

Gee, the number of times I would liked to have done that:-)


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Bartlett, Jeanine (CDC/CCID/NCZVED)
Sent: 21 May 2008 15:03
To: Blazek, Linda;
Subject: RE: [Histonet] histotech pay/respect

I have to say that the majority of pathologists I have worked with over the years have treated me with respect but not all.  And the ones that did not treat me respectfully did not treat any of the laboratorians with respect.  So I can't say respect is always earned.  There are often a few bad eggs in the mix.  I can remember as a student (back in the day) one of the pathologists came into the lab with a tray of H&E's and shouted, "Who cut this sh**?!"  Then he threw the tray on the floor and broke all of the slides.  Now I am sure that type of behavior would never be allowed today.  But honestly, over the many years I have been in histology I can say only 2 have been truly disrespectful. 

Jeanine Bartlett
Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch
(404) 639-3590

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Blazek, Linda
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:26 AM
Subject: RE: [Histonet] histotech pay/respect

Sorry René but I don't think having worked with 12 different pathologists and being treated with respect by ALL of them is a matter of good luck.


Linda Blazek HT (ASCP)


GI Pathology of Dayton

7415 Brandt Pike

Huber Heights, OH 45424

Phone: (937) 293-4424 ext 7118




From: Rene J Buesa []
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:09 AM
To: Blazek, Linda;
Subject: RE: [Histonet] histotech pay/respect


Having a good experience with a pathologist (or even with several) is a sign of "good luck", like ending with a good spouse.

We histotech should not be subjected to the "good (or bad) whims of pathologists", it should be a RIGHT to earn decent salaries and be treated with respect.

I am sure that during slavery times, there were bad and "not so bad" plantation owners!
René J.

"Blazek, Linda"  wrote:

	Patti and all,
	Horary Patti. I was just sitting here getting ready to post my email
	when you posted yours. I was beginning to think I was the only one here
	that has had a very positive experience as a histotech.
	I've been watching this topic for a long time now and wonder where I've
	been. I've been a histotech since the early 70's. The pathologist I
	worked for in the early 80's wanted to know why I never took my registry
	when I finished school. I guess a baby got in the way and no one really
	required it. He pushed and encouraged me to take my registry. He was so
	supportive and helpful to someone that waited 9 years to sit for the
	exam that it was amazing. I did receive a healthy raise when I passed.
	I have never in all these years worked for a pathologist that wasn't
	respectful and included me as a part of a team. I have had a bit of
	"red-headed stepchild" reactions from MTs but that never bothered me
	since none of them had a clue as to what a histotech did. When they
	removed the histology rotation from the MT training in the early 70's
	they didn't have any exposure to our world.
	Linda Blazek HT (ASCP)
	GI Pathology of Dayton
	7415 Brandt Pike
	Huber Heights, OH 45424
	Phone: (937) 293-4424 ext 7118
	-----Original Message-----
	[] On Behalf Of Dawson,
	Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 2:45 PM
	Subject: RE: [Histonet] histotech pay/respect
	Best pathologist quote that I've ever heard myself:
	"Let's face it, a trained monkey can cut blocks." 
	This was referring to trying to staff his personal research lab and was
	said with all seriousness. Needless to say, this pathologist and I
	didn't get along well at all. Unfortunately, too many share these
	sentiments and don't have a clue that a histotech tends to do a bit more
	than "cut blocks".
	Sort of makes you wonder why any of us bothers with getting certified or
	with obtaining necessary CEU's to stay that way.
	Hang in There,
	Glen Dawson BS, HT & QIHC
	IHC Manager
	Milwaukee, WI
	-----Original Message-----
	[]On Behalf Of joelle
	Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 12:06 PM
	Subject: [Histonet] histotech pay/respect
	In response to several postings regarding pay and respect- I have been
	feeling somewhat better to read that others are disheartened by the lack
	of respect for the effort and time that it can take to become a
	certified, experienced histotech. The pay doesn't really bother me as
	much as the attitude that I encounter on a daily basis that "anyone" can
	do histology and that it is to quote "no big deal" to get certified. I
	have to concur that in my experience, histology managers do not seem to
	value or even recognize the skills and time it takes to perfect this
	trade.I know for me, getting an HTL was quite a burden at times. I had
	extra studies for sure. And, back in that day, the ASCP slide practical
	was no picnic. At my own hospital, this attitude is epitomized by the
	fact that routinely non-certifed, non-histology people are both hired
	and promoted. I have never seen anyone with a histology background given
	any sort of professional respect like that given freely to the MT
	personnel that work there. They do not even recgonize an HTL as a
	certification. They only give you a small increase for being certified
	at all (HT). At particularly bad moments, this had made me want to leave
	the field as well. So, I can relate very easily to everyone else's
	sentiments. This hospital has been an especially bad example of the
	"warm body" syndrome. It is almost crippling in terms of the quality of
	the work and TAT. The inferior service and poor quality produced only
	serves to reinforce the negative concept- it is indeed a vicious cycle!
	At least (all of us) are not alone!
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