Decloaking Chamber

From:Colleen Forster

#2)  Can someone give me some information on the Decloaker device?  What
it?  Who sells it, etc.?  I assume that it's some sort of antigen
system, instead of a Star Trek weapon.


Jan Shivers
U of MN Vet Diag Lab


The Decloaking Chamber is an electric pressure cooker for antigen
retrievel. It is sold by Biocare Medical. Their
phone number is 800-799-9499. your representative would be Becky Orr.
Her direct line 773-784-5220. Along
with the chamber they offer a wide range of buffers,monitior strips for
QC and are very helpful when questions

I have one in my lab here in the Phillips Wangensteen building if you
would like to see it. Good Luck!

Colleen Forster
U of MN, Dept. of Neurology

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