RE: cryojane

From:marjorie lehman <>

Occasionally I've had tapes not stick too, so I've learned at least 2 things
which might help. 
Don't leave the tapes in the cryostat overnight. They cool rapidly, so you can
put them in when you start getting ready to cut.
The instructions say not to leave them- for good reason I guess. When I had the
problem I used new tapes and had no trouble.
Maybe the glue gets too cold.
Make sure you roll them on firmly and all over the surface. I've been lazy and
have had an edge come up and pull the whole tape with it.
Hope this helps,   Marge
-----Original Message-----
From:	Atoska Gentry []
Sent:	Tuesday, May 22, 2001 2:53 PM
Subject:	cryojane

hello all, to add to Linda Jenkins question.  I am having the same problem
with the tape not adhering to the block face of my frozen section.  We very
recently purchased an Instrumedics CryoJane tape transfer system.  Any
pointers/tips will be much appreciated in remeding this problem ASAP.
Thanks, Atoska

Atoska  S. Gentry B.S., HT(ASCP)
Research Assistant II
Scott-Ritchey RSCH Center
Auburn University, AL  36849
PH:   (334) 844-5579
Fax:  (334) 844-5850

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