cell proliferation

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From:Jill McVee <jm36@st-andrews.ac.uk> (by way of Histonet)
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>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 13:27:00 -0600
>From: Ronnie  Houston <rhouston@tsrh.org>
>Sender: Ronnie  Houston <rhouston@tsrh.org>
>X-Confirm-Reading-To: <rhouston@tsrh.org>
>Organization: TSRH
>To: jm36@st-andrews.ac.uk
>Cc: histonet@pathology.swmed.edu
>Subject: cell proliferation
>Importance: normal
>X-Mailer: Connect2-SMTP 4.30A MHS/SMF to SMTP Gateway
>There are many markers out there for
>cell proliferation, but you need to be
>aware which part of the cell cycle you
>are interested in. PCNA and Ki-67 are
>not really specific although many
>people use them. I suspect that many
>researchers are wooed by the reports of
>antibodies from companies without
>really being aware of what they are
>looking for or at.
>If you are interested in the S-phase,
>as it would appear from the BrdU
>studies you are presently doing, then
>you are really restricted to BrdU,
>Cyclin-A (which overspills slightly
>into G2), or Histone m-RNA.
>The Novacastra catalog has a neat
>diagram showing the various parts of
>the cell cycle.
>It is possible to look at BrdU
>incorporation, without injecting the
>chemical into the animal. We have had
>some success with skeletal muscle.
>Don't know if it would work with brain,
>but don't see why not.
>If I can help any further, drop me a
>Good luck
>Ronnie Houston
>Cytochemistry & Molecular Pathology
>Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for
>2222 Welborn Street
>Dallas, TX 75219
>(formerly of Neuropathology, Institute
>of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow)

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