Embedding & Sectioning Charges

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From:Angel Osborne Duty <gt4451b@prism.gatech.edu>
Date:Fri, 26 Mar 1999 15:13:34 -0500
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hello all,

The university lab that I work in is not set up to
do plastic embedding, so we have made
arrangements for another lab to do the work.
Since they do not normally contract out their
services, they are unsure what to charge us.
Even though we are both collaborators and
most things even out in the wash, we probably
have too many blocks to just assume a good
neighbor rule.

The samples are bone cores, 1/4" diameter by
1/4" length, and will be sectioned longitudinally.
Sometimes they will be given the whole core
and sometimes only half of it.  From each block
they will cut 5 sections for us.

 I would like to know reasonable charges for
plastic embedding and sectioning (no stains).

Thank you all!

Angel Duty
Emory/ Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering

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