Re: Macneal's tetrachrome

From:"J. A. Kiernan"

This is not a question of "does anyone have a protocol"
but rather, "what is the standard."  MacNeal's tetrachrome
is one of several mixed-dye stains certified by the
Biological Stain Commission. If you buy a certified
bottle of MacNeal powder it will work properly if used

The standard staining method, used in the Commission's Lab 
to test MacNeal's stain, is described in a recent publication: 
Penney et al 2002 Biotech. Histochem. 77:237-275
This paper succinctly describes all the staining methods
currently used to test and certify biological stains, in 
less than 40 pages. Every lab that uses dyes should buy
this special issue of the BSC's journal.
John A. Kiernan
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
The University of Western Ontario
London,   Canada   N6A 5C1

"Dimaano, Nena" wrote:
> Does anyone have a protocol for  Macneal's tetrachrome stain? Also, can you
> decolorize slides stained with Macneal's?

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