glass coverslippers vs Sakura tape coverslipper

From:Wayne D H <>

There is a very good chance that I will be getting a new stainer this year. The short list is currently Sakura and Leica because they each have a compatible coverslipper. The coverslipper is a possible for this year. Are there other brands that have both a stainer and coverslipper?

I've heard a lot about bubble problems with the glass coverslippers. Are there other common problems and how difficult are they to solve? I'd like to hear from Leica coverslipper owners re your experience with this instrument.
The other choice is Sakura which I know works very well and with very few problems. However I'm starting to hear about tape lifting after a few years and taking the sections with it. As of Oct. 2000, we are now required to keep our slides and blocks for 20 years so I'd like to hear from Sakura owners who have had their instruments for a while, 7 or 8 years or more, as to whether or not lifting is a problem and how you store your slides.
Thank you in advance.

Wayne Hohn
Kootenay Lake Regional Hospital
Nelson, B.C.

p.s. I'm been told by a Leica rep that there is a new stainer, 30 position instead of 20, being released this year.

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