To all,

The problem we have in the forensic field is that nothing is constant, we
work with stains from clothes and slides made from the vagina ect.
These stains are not fresh(mostly more than 3 days old) and therefore very
vonurable for extern invirement.
Some even have alot of yeast cells(like from the anus), and if sperm loses
there tail, it is some times difficult to differntiate between spermcells
and yeastcells.
It is very important to diagnose if there is sperm or not(in a court of law)
On the other hand the stain canot take to long, since we have alot of these
cases(daily) and we can't spend much time on a case.
We are testing acridine orange stains at the moment but I can't get
satisfactorry results, I searched for relevant articels and book in the
forensic field but can't find nothing.
Hoping you can give me an advise,

Sincerly Yours,

Brinkenberg MNA

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