Biohaz waste AGAIN PLEASE

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Here it is. I live in Florida.
I have no MDS to look at. All I know is that the local hospital here is 
disposing of all their chemical waste down the drain with the exception of 
fomalin (which is being neutralized and xylene which is being put in drums 
for bio waste (I presume).
I need to start a small lab at my horse farm to process my own slides, 
however since the local hospital is not willing to share information. I have 
no clue on how to proceed, or, if and how I can dispose of this material. If 
I dump it down the drain (as the local hospital is doing) then I feel I will 
not only contaminate my well but the surrounding environment as well. So the 
question still is what is the "correct" way to dispose of these chemicals. 
Mr. Roy Ellis, I did download your procedures it might serve as a guideline 
but I don't think I can use it here in the USA Thank you very much.
I will take MDS and I only need them for Mucicarmine, Silver, Iron and AFB 
stains as these are they only stains I will be doing here.
I really need your (wonderful people) help as I have been out of the lab for 
a while and have no access to current regulations. CAP reg. would help too.
PLEASE and Heartfelt THANKS.

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