Re: Geskes

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I have never heard of Geskes, but I am familiar with both the Verhoeff
and Masson techniques, so I think I can probably help you out.

Verhoeff's hematoxylin stains coarse as well as fine elastic fibers, and
overstains the entire tissue, therefore necessitating a differentiation
step in 2% ferric chloride which is not mentioned in your procedure.
You will need two changes of ferric chloride and keep track of the
process microscopically.  You need to look for crisp fibers and a clean
background. Verhoeff's hematoxylin also contains iodine, so a 1-minute
step is needed in 5% sodium thiosulphate to remove any residues.  The
Biebrich Scarlet - Acid Fuchsin (I prefer to use Woodstain Scarlet -
Acid Fuchsin) solution stains cytoplasm AND collagen, but you want it to
stay only in the cytoplasm, so you differentiate in a freshly prepared
solution of phosphomolibdic-phosphotungstic acid to the point where only
the cytoplasm is stained and collagean and ground substances are pale
pink to colorless.  The Aniline Blue solution stains collagen and
connective tissues.  The solution I use is a combination Aniline Blue -
Woodstain Scarlet.  I rinse in 1% acetic acid after the Woodstain -
Scarlet and Aniline
Blue steps.

Woodstain Scarlet may be hard to find now.  The one I use came from
Allied Chemical and went by the name Crocein Scarlet MOO.

If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Hermina Borgerink, BA, HT(ASCP)IHQ
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
Medical Center Blvd
Winston-Salem, NC 27157
ph 336 716-1538

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