Re: Cyclin D1

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Thank you for your reply.  I did visit the Lab Vision web site and read the 
data sheet on DSC-6.  The problem we have is that our doctors want to use it 
for Mantle cell lymphoma and would like the control tissue to be the same.  
We have been using Dako's antibody and have found it to work fairly well on 
formalin-fixed tissue using hi ph target retrieval and Envision +.  B5-fixed 
tissue   works better with hi ph target retrieval and LSAB +.  

If you use tonsil for control, what does it stain?  Germinal centers?  And 
does it work on normal tonsil?   Is the staining strong or weak?  Someone 
said that they used brain for control.  What does it stain in brain?  I 
didn't see anything in the data sheet that addressed the results on brain.

I would appreciate receiving the papers you have on this.  Thank you.

fax 916-447-2150

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