RE: [Histonet] better perfusion and inclusion---thanks to y'all

More precisions:
The catheter diameter varies with animal size. For a 35 g mouse a n° 4
cathater works well (inside diameter = 0.76 mm outside = 1.22 mm).

We used 5% sucrose (saccharose was a little french slipping in) in water ,
as you had suggested. Unfortunately I didn't check out if this was in fact
isotonic,  so that is a mistake! We perfused 1 minute at 300mm Hg. The
histology looked bad, that is,  the ventricles were dilated.

Another source advised us to use Mannitol at 25% for 20 " at 110 mm Hg.
This too created ventricle dilation.

For each trial 3 mice brains were processed, coronally sliced at the
hippocampal level and stained with H/E.

yours truely,

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