
From:Lina Vieira

Hi Everyone,

After find in the bibliography I am not sure about the better protocol to
the Gram#180#s staining, Can someone  give me some avise about the advantages/
disadavantages of the next methods?

Gram for Bacteria (Gram, 1884)
Lillies#180#crystal violet
Gram#180#s iodine
1% Neutral Red

Gram/Twort for bacteria
Lillies#180#s crystal violet
lugol#180#s iodine
Neutral/ Fast green solution

Gram Bacteria - Modified Brown an Brenn
Reagents: 1% Crystal Violet
0.25% Basic Fuchsin
Lugol#180#s Iodine
Picric Acid-Acetone

Lina Vieira
Universidade do Algarve
ITUCCA Histologia

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