Re: Ringer's solution

From:"J. A. Kiernan" <>

On Fri, 15 Jun 2001, Kinsley, David wrote:
> I have a published protocol that uses MOPS-buffered Ringer's
> solution.  I have MOPS but I have never heard of Ringer's ...

Ringer's (1893) was one of the first physiological saline 
solutions, used for keeping frogs' organs such as heart and 
other muscles working for a few hours in isolation. Locke 
improved the brew in 1895. Mammal-friendly solutions (Tyrode,
Hanks, Dulbecco  etc) soon followed. All these useful liquids
pre-date by about 50-60 years the introduction of physiologically
inert (we hope) zwitterionic buffers such as HEPES and MOPS.

Your "published protocol" should contain references that 
justify the designation "MOPS-buffered Ringer." If it doesn't 
you should assume that this is ignorant mumbo-jumbo and use some
universally recognized pbysiological saline solution.
John A. Kiernan
Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology
The University of Western Ontario
London,  Canada   N6A 5C1

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