RE: antibody storage

From:"Sebree Linda A." <>

Hi Lynn,

We take a number of things into account in determining the volume and
dilution of a particular antibody.  We try to freeze in a volume that will
be sufficient for 1 or 2 patient cases.  We also don't want to end up with
500 little vials so we tend to dilute our antibodies in say 1:2 to 1:100
concentrations.  Since we do not use antibodies after their expiration date,
we try to judge on past experience how many cases we'll do before it expires
and freeze that number of aliquots; of course we purchase volumes based on
past usage so that with any luck we run out of the antibody just before it

Hope this give you some ideas,

Linda A. Sebree, HT(ASCP)
University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics
IHC/ISH Laboratory
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792-2472
FAX: (608)262-7174

-----Original Message-----
From: Lynn McKee []
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: antibody storage

Dear Histonetters,

     We are getting ready to combine a research IHC, a clinical IHC, and a
molecular diagnostics lab into one grand and glorious lab. Our Director
asked me to "survey" the people of histoland for input. How do you aliquot
and store commercially produced antibodies. Preferably concentrate not pre
Thanks in advance for your input. You all are truly a valuable resource.

Lynn McKee
University of Cincinnati

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