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From:"KathY Liucci" <>
Date:Fri, 16 Jul 1999 15:57:56 -0500
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

I have two procedures for sentinel nodes.  One is for melanoma and the other is for breast ca.  Both are treated differently.  For the breast we cut one h&e, take another section for CAM 5.2, then cut 40um into the block and take another h&e.  Depending on the pathologist, we then do another CAM on the 40um depth area.
For the melanoma we do not exhaust the block but take many serial sections, number the slides and do S-100 and HMB-45 on slides 2 and 4.  I can fax you a copy of the procedures if you would like them.

Kathy Liucci
Mesa, AZ

Help - looking for protocol for cutting sentinal nodes - what is everyone
using as far as levels, etc. We are currently taking several levels at the
beginning and then every 10 cuts until the block is exhausted. Is there a
standard protocol or is it site specific? Please advise. Thanks,

Constance M. Forney MT HT(ASCP)
Technical Supervisor, Histopathology
USAF Medical Center
Wright Patterson AFB, OH 

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