floating sections

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From:Sharon E Horton <sharon.horton@sri.com>
To:histonet <histonet@Pathology.swmed.edu>
Date:Tue, 13 Jul 1999 12:19:52 -0700
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear Histonetters,

    I recently had a colleague ask a question I could not regarding
fresh frozen floating sections.  I'm passing it on to you in hopes that
you have more experience with floating sections than I do.  Any
suggestions or insight would be greatly appreciated.


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Dear Sharon
I would appreciate if you could give me some advice (since I have tried
once but... )
My problem is that I was not able to perfuse the experimental animals. I

therefore have to do it on fresh frozen tissue. For what I read, people
usually collect the sections on slides and process to the in situ. I am
currently working on finding a way of fixing the tissue to be able to
on free-floating sections. I believe the sensitivity would be greater
it would be easier!

I have tried different things. I (and a technician in my lab)
collected sections in :
- 0.5% paraformaldehyde or,
- PBS 1M or,
- CBS (glycerol-etc...)
The sections were rinced once (and still looked fine).
Then, we fixed the sections for 2hrs in 4% Paraformaldehyde.
That's when it went wrong!!!! The sections sticked to each other and it
impossible to work with them.
Do you have any idea of what went wrong? of what I should do to make it

Have you tried to work on free-floating sections from fresh frozen
Do you know if people have tried before? Do you think that it's even
possible or am I wasting my time?

 I would really appreciate your help.

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