Removing yourself!

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From:Linda Jenkins <>
Date:Sun, 11 Jul 1999 17:30:48 -0400
Content-Type:text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear  "digest" users who would like to be removed from the HistoNet:
	I sincerely hope that you get your name(s) removed from the
HistoNet quickly as you doubled the space required to open my usual
HistoNet mail this morning.  Why? could be that, as a "digest
user" you REPLIED  to a HistoNet message without deleting the highlighted
area, so ...your message contained all of the digest for that day. As a
HistoNet digest user you shouldn't do this. ALWAYS send a new message to
the HistoNet.  And remember - you are writing to a computer - not a person.
Simply type "unsubscribe" (not unscribe, or unsribe, or one of the many
variants we mortals manage to create) in the subject line.   It is not
necessary to type anything in the body of the message.  Computers don't
understand this and get especially confused by words like please and
	Hope this clears the confusion.  If not, there will be over a
thousand? of us watching to see which one us misspells that
subscribe/unsubscribe word again:-)

Linda Jenkins, HT
Clemson University
Department of Bioengineering
Clemson, SC

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