Re: Collagen Type VII and BP Ab's

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Date:Wed, 7 Jul 1999 14:07:57 EDT
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Back in 1993 I published an abstract in Lab Investigation Vol70#1 Page 69A 
1994 "Immunohistochemistry of Type V11 Collagen in The Prostate.  At that 
time we published data on methyl-Carnoys fixative Clone LH7.2 which I had 
gotten from Biodesign Int., Kennebunkport, CA    I did a dilution of 1:300 
for 2hrs at RT.
Later however I did some studies using FFPE tissue using an overnight 
incubation and it worked fine.  I also did some post fixing of FFPE slides in 
Carnoy's overnight. I would have to try and find my records to give you any 
details. Since you have the antibody from Chemicon, my suggestions are to try 
the overnight incubation with primary and use Biocare Medical's detection 
system with their DAB Sparkle, as I had also enhanced my DAB.  Their 
detection system is very sensitive and I have seen slides that are really 
beautiful using their system. Give Vygis Narbutas a call at 800-799-9499 
There is a money back guarantee on all their products.   

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