[Histonet] Flex alcohols - diluting

From:"Johnson, Teri"

> When I trained, I was taught to use 95% alcohol to make all my other
> alcohol dilutions because it was cheaper than using 100% alcohol
> (additionally, absolute ethanol had additional denaturants in it).
> With Richard Allan's Flex alcohols, the cost of the 95% alcohol is
> only about 3% less than the Flex100. So, is it really cheaper to use
> the 95% to make the dilutions than using Flex 100? So, if cost isn't
> the issue, is there any other reason not to buy just the 100% and make
> all the dilutions out from this one? I can't think of any.
> Thanks!
> Teri Johnson, HT(ASCP)QIHC
> Managing Director Histology Facility
> Stowers Institute for Medical Research
> 1000 E. 50th St.
> Kansas City, MO 64110
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