
From:Paul Klosen <>


A few weeks ago, I read about using brazilin instead of hematoxylin for a 
red nuclear stain and somebody (I apologize, I don't remember anymore who) 
suggested to prepare the stain like hematoxylin by replacing henatoxylin 
with Brazilin. I did this with our protocol for Mayers hemalun (1 g 
hematoxylin in 250 ml ssium alum, then adding 8 ml glacial acetic acid and 
150 ml glycerol and water to 500 ml, oxidized with 0.1 g sodium iodide). 
Unfortunately the stain does not work.

Can anyone post a full protocol for this Brazilin stain.

Thanx in advance

                                                                        (o -) O
Paul Klosen, PhD
CNRS UMR 7518 Neurobiologie des Fonctions Rythmiques et Saisonnieres
Universite Louis Pasteur  12, rue de l'Universite
F-67000 Strasbourg, FRANCE
Tel.  Fax.

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