Re: ihc stainers

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I feel that one case should be run on one stainer, then run the same case on 
the second stainer, and have pathologists interpret both and do image on 
both, then compare analysis, you could do this on a pre set number of cases 
and if the variance is small enough, then it may not matter if you split 
cases or not, I have two stainers and run complete cases on one,but I think 
about this similiar to running Ventanas ER/PR clone but another clone for 
CERb-2 , is this significant or are we overthinking? I have a Ventana system 
and a Cytologix Artisan, we run clones from Dako, Zymed, Ventana, Bio-Genix, 
Signet, Neo-Markers, etc.
                                               Dana Dittus
                                                Histology Supervisor
                                                Abington Memorial Hospital

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