[Histonet] decalcification of crista-biopsies

From:"Hans Ooms"

Dear techs, scientists or whatsoever,

The method of decalcifying bony tissue (cristabiopsies, femurheadslices etc.) I have experience with is by putting the specimen in a 5% sulphosalicylic acidsolution (or EDTA).
The problem is: "How long should decalcification last to preserve morphology ?". I don't know a method of control. If the biopsie "feels like a sponge" it was taken out and routine processing (dehydration/alcoholrange, clearing/xylene and paraffinimpregnation in a VIP) was performed. Nearly every time morphology was awful ! 

Crista-biopsies are usually processed by means of MMA-resin (great morphology!) but this would be to expensive for all bony tissues.

Despite Benno Romeis, Gurr, Junqueira I couldn't find anything satisfactory !!

Someone out there able to help?

Thanks in advance.

Hans Ooms (HT/The Netherlands).

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