Histonet unsubscribbling

From:"J. A. Kiernan"

You'll get lots of these, but I'm sending you one 
just in case everyone else says there'll be lots ...

Send an email to histonet@pathology.swmed.edu
with the one word  unsubscribe  in the Subject
line.  Nothing else!  No Re: and no message.

Should this fail (and it did fail for me about
a year ago) send a personal email to Linda
Margraf, who is Histonet's commander-in-chief.
She will instruct Herb (who works the computer
that keeps us all in touch) to unsubscribe you 
as an individual humanitarian act of cybermercy.

Make a note of 
in case you need to 
agsin, to ask or answer questions.
John A. Kiernan
London, Canada 
  Experienced Histonet OnandOffer.

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