: Technovit 7200

From:Linda Jenkins

Hi, Betsy,
	Yes, I have a stain for VVG on Technovit 7200.
1.  Etch section for 2 minutes in 1% formic acid (Hydrochloric will cause 
the Technovit 7200 to crack).
2.  Then I use the Verhoeff's kit from Poly Scientific (cat. # K059) and 
start with step 3 with immersion in Verhoeff's working solution and go all 
the way through Van Gieson's solution.  Do not clear in Xylene or 
coverslip.  Store slides in the dark and take pictures as soon as possible 
using immersion oil and a temporary coverslip for high magnification.
	I hesitate to give you the times that I used as this stain has to be 
closely monitored under the microscope at every step.  The times given in 
most procedures are for paraffin embedded sections.  With the Technovit 
7200  plastic sections, there are many factors that come into play.  A lot 
depends on the thickness of the ground section.  Thinner sections usually 
require longer staining times.  Best advice is to start with 1 - 5 minute 
increments and increase accordingly- checking closely with the 
microscope.  In other words, "tweak, tweak, tweak"! :-)  -- The motto for 
plastic section staining!
	Good Luck,

Linda Jenkins, HT
Clemson University

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